
About Peter Grossmann

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So far Peter Grossmann has created 34 blog entries.

BBR heads into the holidays

To our BBR Supporters: Did you know that Back Bay Ringers turns 15 years young this spring? It’s true! As I write to you, our faithful friends, to thank you once again for your support in concert attendance, volunteer hours, and contributions, I think back to the milestones we’ve hit along the way since that first

BBR Raising Awareness in the Fight against Gun Violence

On Saturday, October 13, Back Bay Ringers teamed up with Brian Clements, editor of the anti-gun violence anthology Bullets Into Bells, for a presentation at the Boston Book Festival in Copley Place. The anthology was inspired by the shootings at Sandy Hook. Mr. Clements and four contributing authors read their poetry, and BBR provided musical interludes of contemplation

BBR has been busy

I had a lovely red leaf fall across my path, and it reminded me that, indeed, autumn is here, and BBR's winter concert season is not far behind!  We are busy already with new ringers and an early appearance at the Boston Book Festival, Saturday, October 13 on Copley Plaza, Boston. For the Festival, we are partnering

Stay busy this summer with BBR!

Are you interested in performing with BBR this year? All returning and aspiring musicians will audition for the group on Monday, August 20th, at 6:30 pm at First Church Boston Please take a look at the audition page on our website and fill out the interest form there if you are considering auditioning. Join us on

Season Wrap Up

Thank you to everyone who supported the Boston Living Center this spring season. We are so proud to be presenting a check for $2,200 to the organization later this week! We could not have had such a successful donation without the support of our amazing audiences. Although our concerts and rehearsals are on hiatus,

All about the Boston Handbell Festival

Spring has arrived and the Boston Handbell Festival is fast approaching! The history of BHF goes back to the handbell ensemble of Perkins School for the Blind, which had long held a handbell concert at Old South Church on the third Tuesday of May. When the handbell director, Adele Trytko, retired from the school in

A Time For Change

Spring is a time of change. The snow melts and leaves come out on the trees. For Back Bay Ringers, spring is a time of giving, in which we give back to organizations in the Boston area that are change makers in our community. To celebrate all the change of the spring season, we

The Gift of Love

We may be bouncing between winter and spring weather here in Boston, but at BBR we are busy looking all the way toward June. For the second year in a row, the Back Bay Ringers will be supporting a Boston area non-profit that supports the LGBTQ+ community. This year our concert proceeds will support

And to all a good night

The Back Bay Ringers want to thank all of our audience members for our wonderful Christmas season. We couldn't do what we do without the loyal support of our audiences. To make a gift toward BBR's mission of "promoting excellence in handbell artistry through performance, education, and community," visit our donation page. Back Bay Ringers performed at the Shalin Liu Performance Center

Announcing our Christmas Season

Welcome to September, and all the busy-ness that comes after Labor Day.  The slower pace of summer was lovely, but the Back Bay Ringers had no rest from preparations for a great winter season! The Ensemble will be bringing back Our Favorite Things for our Christmas 2017 theme, and will be returning to old familiar

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